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How to Host the Ideal Moving Sale


Ideal Moving Sale in Corona, CAA moving sale is a great way to get rid of things you no longer need and to earn some extra cash. At Southern Cal Moving and Storage, we’ve put together some top tips when it comes to hosting the ideal moving sale.

Advertise in Advance

Advertising your moving sale is imperative. Take to the internet and use sites such as Gumtree, Craigslist and Facebook selling pages. The more you spread the word about your moving sale, the more interest will be generated and more people will attend your moving sale. Create flyers or posters and put them up in local shops or busy places where they’ll be seen.

Plan Ahead

Have all of the items you plan to sell organized well before the moving sale. The last thing you want is to rummage around looking for the items you want to sell at the last minute; this will only cause unnecessary stress.

Get Friends Involved

The more people that are involved in the moving sale means that it’ll run smoothly. Depending on how many people help, you could assign sections, ensuring that everyone has a job and everything is taken care of.

Offer Refreshments

Have some refreshments on offer for the buyers and those who are helping you with the sale.  Some nice background music may also create a good atmosphere for potential buyers.

Keep Prices Simple

Have change at the ready in advance of your moving sale. Don’t ask for too much for an item that’s not worth it as it will only put potential buyers off. On the same hand, don’t give in to bartering. If you think an item is worth your asking price, refuse to sell for any less.

Are You Ready to Move?

If you are ready to move, you can find out all about the helpful services we offer by getting in touch online. You can alternatively call us on (800)-475-5427.